Yesterday I had an 11am appointment with Dr. Sulanc to check on my Thyroid (blood drawn)... waited in the waiting room forever & then waited in an extremely boring exam room for another ever!!! lol :) My Dr. was really nice though & eventually I was able to escape to McDonalds for Lunch!
My appointment with Dr. Wirtz wasn't scheduled until 2:15pm & I didn't have a cellphone to call my sister to hang out so I wandered aimlessly around Lewis Drug for awhile then sat in the parking lot at McKennan in my parent's truck & started organizing cubby holes! Around 1:30pm I gave up on entertaining myself & decided to sit in the waiting room to read baby magazines :D
Someone finally acknowledged me around 2:45pm & told me to just go to the lab & then come back when they were done with me... so I went to a different floor to wait in the lab waiting room for a good 20 minutes listening to crazy disrespectful kids... (AHHHRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!)... I stayed very calm :) Finally I was called in & asked about my glucose... I stared blankly at her until she asked if I'd had anything to drink yet (it dawned on me what she meant then). She asked if I preferred orange or fruit punch. I got the fruit punch & she warned me that it was very very sugary & said I had 5 minutes to drink it all.
Well I just happened to be thirsty so I chugged the whole thing in less than 30 seconds & handed it back to her. She just looked at me and laughed and said wow, you handled that better than anyone I've ever seen! I just shrugged & said I like sugar :) So now I was finally on my way to see Dr. Wirtz - weighed in at 181 (was 179.4 at my morning apnt!) so I've gained around 20lbs. altogether now. The Dr. measured my tummy & we heard the heartbeat of our little mover :D asked her some questions about my cervix... (word is I will 'more than likely' deliver by cesaerean now...) :(
Ok so then after that appointment I had to wait another 45 minutes before they could test me since the fluid had to be in my system for an hour. Had more blood drawn & had to P in a cup (woohoo). Praying I don't have that gestational diabetes crap & that everything is ok! Went on my final errand to walmart to get a prescription & some groceries... didn't get home until 6pm!!! THEN I found out that Steve had taken a half day to cut down our pine tree in the front yard & then drove 4 neighbor boys to the Inwood pool & went swimming all afternoon.... he's so sweet, but I wish I could've been with him instead of bored out of my gourd in Sioux Falls all day. oh well....